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GK, Current Affairs 2023 Online Test

1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone for Lord Shiva-themed Cricket Stadium in which city?
  1. Hyd
  2. Varanasi
  3. Bhubaneswar
  4. Ahmedabad
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GK, Current Affairs Online Test September 17 2023 Click Here

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 18th September 2023

Daily Practice: Consistency is key. Dedicate a portion of your daily study routine to current affairs to ensure you're well-prepared.

Read Newspapers: Stay updated with the latest news by reading newspapers, both in print and online.

Use Online Resources: Explore websites like www.freeonlinetest9.com for free quizzes and study materials.

Stay Organized: Create a study schedule and stick to it. Prioritize your weak areas and allocate more time to them.

Take Mock Tests: Simulate exam conditions by taking mock tests regularly. This helps you manage time and reduce anxiety.

Group Study: Consider studying with peers. Discussing current affairs topics with others can provide different perspectives and enhance understanding.

Revision: Revise regularly to reinforce your knowledge and ensure you don't forget what you've learned.

Stay Healthy: Don't neglect your physical and mental health. A healthy body and mind are essential for effective study.